Monkey See, Monkey Do

One morning we decided to have a venture out and to walk to what we have named, Monkey Bridge. We had driven over this bridge three times now and each time there were about 20/30 monkeys, sitting on the bridge, in little family groups. We wanted photo’s!!  

The day was cool, overcast and rained threatened – so it seemed ideal walking conditions. So off we set, thinking this was a small, half an hour jaunt. It took us an hour! It’s amazing how much further away things are when you are walking, rather than driving.  It rained intermittently, so our waterproof anoraks were on and off – we were grateful for the “off” parts as with the humidity it was a bit like wearing boiler suits – almost as much moisture accumulating on the inside as there was on the outside.

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The scenery was beautiful along the way, so lush and green..mountains, jungle and pasture – all breath taking. The tsunami evacuation route sign was, however, a little disconcerting.  Finally after convincing ourselves every 5 minutes, that the bridge was just around the corner…there it was in the distance – and NOT ONE monkey in sight!!!  The word disappointed, does not begin to express how we felt – this was so unfair!


Admittedly it was spitting with rain but surely wild, native monkeys were not afraid of a drop or two of rain? We hung around….and hung around….still no monkeys….so we turned to and with sad faces, started the long walk home….and suddenly, lo and behold they started to appear – Monkeys!!!!  Now where’s that camera!

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